Paid Ads Specialists

Who You Can Trust Know Ads Know Conversion Know Analytics .

Let Our Paid Ads Specialists Help Improve Your Business

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SEO Maintenance Plan

SEO maintenance plans may include paid ads optimization. Establish your content ranking in search results with our SEO maintenance plan. Conduct fruitful keyword research.

Advanced. Competitive. Technical.


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Paid Ads Maintenance Plan

Let us oversee and manage your campaigns. We provide paid ads maintenance & management for most social and Google platforms with KPI metric analysis.

Accurate. Interpretive. Insightful.


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Website Maintenance Plan

A website maintenance plan covers landing page updates for website pages connected to your paid ads. Make best use of ad money by connecting to pages that convert.

Backups. Software Updates. Content Updates.


Facebook Paid Ads
Instagram Paid Ads
Twitter Paid Ads
Pinterest Paid Ads
LinkedIn Paid Ads
Google Paid Ads

We Help Companies Setup and Manage Their Paid Ads Campaigns.

Get help with both ecommerce and lead generation campaigns. Our paid ads specialists maintain experience in Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Twitter Ads, Pinterest Ads, and Instagram Ads.

Get help monitoring your company’s Return on Ad Spend and Cost per Conversion to help measure success or identify weaknesses.

Benefit from our extensive hours of keyword research for keywords in your target markets.

We can help you discover and optimize your target audiences and drive ad spend to top performers.

Let us help you develop your paid advertising strategies based on client-specific goals and KPIs.

Having a strong social media presence is advantageous to your business. If your SEO strategy is taking time before seeing an affect, you can rely on Leads Ratio’s Paid Ads Specialists and its strategies to bring leads into your offers.

Through our paid ads campaigns and services, you can achieve the following results:

Targeted Social Audience for Paid Ads Campaigns

There are different settings you need to input when making developing paid ads content. This includes demographic information of your audience as well as geo-specific descriptions. We specialize in having the right demographics and reach for your paid ads while minimizing the total spending.

Paid ads shouldn’t be a hit or miss for activity your business. Make it a powerful funnel in your digital marketing strategy by choosing our services.​

Engaging Posts for Paid Advertising

When people mindlessly browse on online, it can be difficult to get noticed. This mostly due to a slew of information consistently bombarding your audience everyday. Thus, we also make sure that your paid ads have the best copy and attractive visuals for the best results.

Engagement relies on the combination of creativity, marketing psychology, and technical knowledge. We utilize our expertise in these areas for your complete satisfaction.

Optimized Paid Ads Scheduling

It’s also crucial to know when you would want to post paid ads. The time of the day and date can have an effect on how many of your target audience will view your sponsored posts.

Paid Ads Meta: Keeping Things Short and Sweet

The reason why social media exists is that people started to look for bite-sized information.

Meta restrictions exist on character limit of content for titles and descriptions for your ads, or posts. So, how would you say everything you needed to in 140 characters or less? How about a sentence that says it all?

One of our best practices in creating ads is making it short, powerful and effective. A killer hook is all it takes to make targeted users click. However, there’s so much mental energy that needs to be given when creating these catchy taglines. Let us do the thinking while you focus on other goals.

​Appropriate Call-to-Action

Ad campaigns are intended to drive your target market towards your website, in which then the site’s landing page is ready for the visitor by having a design made to convert. Creating ads with an appropriate call-to-action may include:

  • Adding to the email list
  • Purchasing an item
  • Getting more information
  • Contacting your number

Have you ever heard of the 80/20 principle? This simply states that 80% of your results are attributed to 20% of the decisions you made for your business. Thus, we want to know what that 20% is by measuring and optimizing the rest of your social media ads for maximum profit.

We perform research on the schedules where more people are on various social media platforms, and we apply them to the campaigns we use.

Having the right call-to-action button that is highly accessible is key to convert mere visitors into valuable customers or clients.

Measuring and Optimizing Paid Ads

The last thing you want to do with social media ads is spending without getting any results. We also perform A/B testing to see which campaigns work the best for your business.

Paid Ads Specialists
Digital Marketing Specialists

Paid Ads Specialists

Schedule a free consult with a Leads Ratio representative. You will receive valuable information unique to your company that you can begin using right away. Schedule a free consultation with a Leads Ratio representative, today!


of Customers are Reached via The Google Display Network

Work With Us. Let Our Paid Ads Specialists Handle Your Online Advertising.

Creating Reasonable and Profitable Bids

Understanding the bidding process and what range is ideal for your business can be tricky if you’re not aware of technical details. In some instances, you can bid too high, but possibly get the same results for a lower bid. Other situations may cause you to bid too low with no results to show for it.

We can help you set the right range of bids based on the keywords that your business is targeting for.

Paid Content That Converts

Sponsored posts should be short, easy to understand, and have a strong call-to-action. By creating PPC content that speaks to your audience, you are most likely to get the clicks that you want. We create PPC ads that are attention-grabbing, creative, and drive audiences to click towards your business.

Advertising KPI Metrics Analysis

Better results always come from analyzing data. We also perform A/B testing on Google Ads to know which campaigns work the best for your company. By setting certain time frames, we will measure the results and stick to campaigns that are effective for your business.

Google Ads can be costly without the guidance of those who are experienced in creating PPC campaigns. Do not leave this marketing strategy up to chance–experience PPC success through our Google Ads services.

Paid Ads Specialists

Need more leads for your company?

Schedule a free consultation to discuss lead generation for your company. Get valuable information about your competitors, your niche market, and new business tips.

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